1. What is the business monthly revenue (turnover)?
2. What is the business monthly gross profit margin as a %? (From the monthly turnover deduct any direct costs of producing the good or service, commissions, etc. to receive your monthly gross profit figure. Divide the monthly gross profit by the monthly revenue X 100 to receive your monthly gross profit percentage)
3. What is the business monthly net profit margin as a %? (This is your monthly Gross Profit figure less all other monthly business expenses (not directly related with producing the goods or service and not personal) divided by the monthly Turnover/Revenue X 100 to receive the monthly net profit percentage)
1. Number of enquiries received this month and from what sources? Show numbers per source. (Social Media, Referral, Alliances/JV, Website, Event, Presentation, Direct Mail, Telemarketing, etc)
2. Number of new paying clients acquired during the month from each source?
3. Core Services and Products and number of enquiries received this month into each service/product. (List your service/products and number of enquiries into each)
4. Number of new paying clients acquired during the month into each service/product? (List number of new clients acquired per service/product).
5. Active strategies and/or tactics applied for the new clients acquisitions? (Up-sell, Down-sell, informational offer, price offer, etc.)
1. Total number of clients on your database/register (old, current and new to date)
2. Number of active clients at the beginning of the month (these are clients already using your service/product; active membership/subscription; had bookings made for the month)
3. Number of active clients at the end of the month
4. Stale Rate % - Number of total clients on register/database less active clients at the end of the month divided by number of total clients on register/database X 100 = % (This rate shows potential not utilised)
5. Drop Rate % - Number of active clients at the beginning of the month less of which remained active clients at end of the month divided by number of active clients at the beginning of the month X 100 = % (this rate flags up potential problems if less than 1)
6. Churn Rate % - Number of lost clients during the month divided by number of active clients at the beginning of the month plus number of new clients acquired during the month X 100 = % (this rate is indicative of clients length of stay with the business - ideal is NIL)
7. Average sales per client - Amount of total sales (turnover) for the month divided by the number of active clients at end of the month.
8. Average transactions per client - Number of transactions made for the month divided by the number of active clients at end of the month.
9. What is the price and name of the most expensive product/service you offered in the past month and how many active clients purchased it by the end the month?
10. What percentage is the sales of the most expensive product/service made in the month from the turnover for the month? (Total sales of the specific product divided by monthly turnover X 100)
11.What is the price and name of the product/service you offered in the past month with the highest number of transactions and how many active clients purchased it by the end the month?
12. What percentage is the sales of the product/service with the highest number of transactions made in the month from the turnover for the month? (Total sales figure of the specific product divided by monthly turnover X 100)
13. List any product/service price increases introduced during the month? By what percent?
14. Did you introduce any new price structures during the month, what were they? Bundles, discounts, cross-sells, etc.
1. Did you work within active JV/Alliance? If not, what is your JV target for the following month?
2. Where did you network, present, educate? If not, what is your events target for the following month?
3. On review of the monthly results, what will be your main focus areas for the following month?
Thank You For Submitting!