Do you ever wonder why some people have the ability to bounce from success to success, without falter?
To be clear, no one has that ability, but it can seem like that.
We need more than motivational quotes to succeed. There are many mindsets, skills, and attributes required for success as a business owner & entrepreneur.
Fortunately, most of them can be learned, strengthened, and honed through diligence and a willingness to grow.
Having a growth success mindset as an entrepreneur will enable you to deal more effectively with the day-to-day of your business. Because you will be thinking – and acting – like a true entrepreneur.
Business Mindset Definition
Business mindset: a way of thinking that enables you to uncover and see problems as opportunities, and then turning those opportunities into a business. It is an understanding that everything around us is the result of someone having an idea and then executing it.
Every day we'll be sharing one business mindset-hack at a time that will dramatically improve your business – and life.
We invite you to join our conversation with your thoughts and supportive comments of wisdom, experience, ways forward, mind-hacks, tips and advice.
Tune in every day, follow, share your thoughts and spread to others – Let’s Help Businesses Be Limitless.
When a baby is learning to walk, they constantly fall over, but that doesn’t make them want to stop trying.
They don’t think, ‘That’s it, I’m done with walking. I look stupid, everybody is laughing at me. I will just crawl from now on.’
As human beings, we are not naturally afraid of looking stupid or failing – we get educated into it.
Steli Efti, Founder of
This is by far the best business mind-hack I have heard about how to be comfortable while being wrong. When a baby does not yet know how to walk, they won’t stop trying after falling down a few times.
We are not born afraid of failure, but we are taught to be embarrassed by it. Bearing that in mind will hopefully help you take a leap into the unknown.
And this is really something I have experienced first hand and then went on and helped others to do - THINK-BIG session.
It’s your turn to implement this business mind-hack
Learning how to have a business mindset will affect your success or failure in business. Luckily, your mindset is also the thing you have the most control over. Choose one mindset shift to adopt at a time and begin working on its development.
As you become more confident and comfortable with this new mindset, move onto the next. Push yourself to be one percent better than you were yesterday, and start with changing your mindset.
Developing these success mindsets will give you the resilience and direction you need to push through the ups and downs that come with running a business.