Those who know me well would laugh out loud when I say I baked a cake OR run the opposite direction if I offer them to try it ;-)))...
Until it finally made sense to me - Cake Making was a result of a strategy with sequence of tactics while taking in consideration time, audience and environment. And that's how my cakes now taste almost very nice ;-)
Making your business good, great, fabulous, etc is like creating a piece of cake.
(If you didn't get the analogy, that's ok - just read a bit further)
Growth and innovation are important from the very start of a business, but big picture thinking can be tough, especially when you're busy with day-to-day transactions and engagements relying and hoping everything to come together. But could building a business be better, greater and less life-style consuming? At Visions Nspire, we think so.
You might think that hard work is what is going to save your business, but that's not entirely true. A good strategy will always overcome effort, time and capital. If you have the wrong strategy, you can work 18 hours a day and sink all of your money into your business, and you will still lose your shirt. Let me give you an example.
Perhaps the majority of businesses in a niche have little strategy and just "sell, sell, sell". But one business has a nurturing and educational strategy where they position themselves as the market educators. Then every marketing piece they release is informative and useful to their target market. People want to do business with the experts, not those who are just the same as everyone else. This leads to trust and trust leads to increased sales. Do you see how that business will dominate the industry over time? Consider also that if you find a great strategy, you'll do so much better if you stick to it and not get sidetracked. So let me ask you what I usually ask my clients at the start...
What is your overall business strategy?
Do you think through your strategic objectives when you plan your marketing and sales process?
How are you spurring innovation throughout your company and among your staff?
How would you rate your business on its ability to keep up (and even surpass) with industry changes?
Is there room for improvement? In what way?
If you did that, how would that impact your growth and revenue?
Would you like to discover what your business can be with a bit of strategy planning?
I am looking for 5 Business Owners/decision-makers to help me test my new Profit Jumpstart Planning Assessment and show the ways to additional profits (min.£10,000) at no extra costs in less than 60 minutes. TOTALLY FREE & ONLINE
In return, and with your permission, I will feature your business in my Blog, Webinars and even include in my upcoming new book.
If interested, please PM or email at