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  • Writer's pictureAntonina - Business Strategist

How Loyal Is Your Business to Your Clients? - "Ask The Business Expert" - Podcast

Check How Secure are Your Customers' "Come-Backs"?

TWO Sweet Things that will save any business from losing 35% or more of clients when they re-open.

How Is Your Business Bouncing Back with The "Bounce Back Business Loan” OR Not?

This week on Ask the Business Expert, Antonina from VisionsNspire and Martina give you an overview of the past week; businesses in distress - Antonina comments on the newly rolled out £50K loans to small businesses and how to make sure business owners are able to repay the loan in 1 year AND have plenty left to sustain livelihood and protect the business.

This week's questions were received from business owners representing many different types of trades - hairdressers, florist, gift shop, electrician, osteopath, massage therapists, holistic therapists - The Common Theme is how to prepare to re-start work with customers when we are allowed to open doors? Antonina explains why the Battle for Clients Reactivation, Retention and Loyalty starts now. Another question is from an author who is concerned that people won't have enough extra cash to spend on luxuries, such as books. We end the programme with what to expect on next week's how which will be Customer Care and Referrals without spending a penny on advertising.

And as per every week, Antonina generously offers a *Free* no obligation 48 hours test drive in the VisionsNspire online Business Mastery Program to the first three people who write in with a business question to

Share your thoughts - let us know what you want to hear about next?

Connect – we have solutions for any business, any budget, even free. 30 MIN - FREE DISCOVERY CALL -

Dedicated to Your Success

Antonina Manev – Business Growth Strategist, Consultant for SMEs and Trainer

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